What a way to start “THE FINAL SAGA”

5 min readJul 25, 2022

One Piece

After a 4-week break, a new chapter of One Piece has released and what a chapter this was.

One Piece Chapter 1054.

If you haven’t read the chapter, read the chapter here:


Four major things happened in this chapter.

  1. Greenbull vs Red Scabbards, Yamato, and Kozuki Momonosuke
  2. The Return of Red Hair Pirates and Shanks
  3. News of Sabo killing Cobra
  4. Discussion between Marine and Akainu

Let’s start.

  1. Greenbull vs Red Scabbards, Yamato, and Kozuki Momonosuke.

Someone from the Red Scabbards notices something and tells Denjiro and Nekomamushi to come with him/her.


Admiral Greenbull is walking and making Wano greener and greener with the power of his devil fruit. He is thinking about how influence is hard to gain when it is really needed. He is enveloped in his thoughts when suddenly Nekomamushi, Denjiro, Shinobu, Raizo, and Kawamatsu appear in front of him and Greenbull tells them “Don’t try to stop me.” and gives a speech to the Red Scabbards about how the world works and how Celestial Dragons are at the top of this world and the land of Wano, which has no connection to the outside world has no rights. Admiral Greenbull talks about his devil fruit, the name of Greenbull’s Devil Fruit is a logia-natured devil fruit and the name of the fruit is the Wood Wood Fruit.


Admiral Greenbull tells the red scabbards that in order to reach Luffy, he is ready to kill thousands of people.

This is the main reason why I hate the admirals and the world government in the One Piece world. They justify their killings no matter how many they kill. They killed so many people in Ohara, Enies Lobby, and maybe millions during the Void Century.

Admiral Greenbull uses “Groves of Wrath” against the Scabbards but Yamato comes out of nowhere and hits Admiral Greenbull with his ‘Kanabo’ and tells Greenbull that this country has seen 20 years of oppression and this is their time to be happy.

Kozuki Momonosuke, in his pink dragon form, arrives and tells Yamato that he did well and then uses Blast Breath “Boro Breath.” Admiral Greenbull manages to capture Momonosuke, the scene ends with Momonosuke telling Yamato not to fight.


2. The Return of Red Hair Pirates and Shanks

In a sea near Wano, the Red Hair Pirates are discussing whether to see Luffy or not. Someone from the Red Hair Pirates is telling that Luffy is a great pirate now and then Lucky Roo says “ let’s see him”

(Pirate Ship)

Limejuice and Yasopp are also present in this panel and Limejuice says that they need to teach that pirate ‘Kid’ a lesson. Yasopp says that he is not ready to see his son ‘Usopp’ right now.

Then we see Shanks, who is smiling while holding Luffy’s wanted poster in his hand and then a small flashback of how Shanks and the red hair pirates stole the Rubber-Rubber fruit ( Now — Mythical Zoan Sun God Model Nika) from the world government. Then Shanks says that he is not interested in meeting Luffy right now and tells his crew that they should first settle the things that are happening in his territory.

Then Shanks turns to Ben Beckmann and says, “ Hey Beck, I think it's time we make our move, Let’s claim the One Piece.”

3. News of Sabo killing Cobra


During the Reverie, some big incident occurred, now we know what that big incident was. During the Reverie, Sabo killed Vivi’s father Nefertari Cobra. We don’t know if it’s true or if someone is framing Sabo for the murder of Nefertari Cobra.

This news has circulated throughout the whole One Piece World and people are now calling Sabo the “Flame Emperor Sabo.” Nefertari Vivi has also disappeared.

During the Reverie, the main mission of the Revolutionary Army was to free Kuma and also declare a war on the “World Government” The Revolutionary Army managed to free Kuma and escape from the Marine admirals, Fujitora (Issho) and Ryokugyu (Aramaki) and the assassination of Nefertari Cobra is viewed as the declaration of war against the world government.


4. Discussion between Marine and Akainu

The marines are discussing the disappearance of Vivi and we see a new character ‘Kurouma’ who is the director of Naval Bureau of Investigation tells Akainu that they are investigating the matter and hoping to find connections between the disappearance of Vivi and the murder of Cobra.

‘Kurouma’ tells Akainu that Sabo is viewed as a “God” in some countries and we see a speaker telling that times are changing as Sabo’s brother “Straw Hat Luffy” is now an “Emperor of the Sea.”


Akainu is looking at the sea and says “I’ll drive each and every one of them into the depths of the sea.”

The start of the Final Saga is amazing. Can’t wait to see what will happen in the upcoming chapter. With so much going on in the One Piece world, so many things to discover, so much history to learn, and the final piece “THE ONE PIECE”

What will that be ??

So many questions that we need the answer to. If you don’t read One Piece, it’s time to start reading as from now in the words of Oda Sensei “ It’s time to get the ONE PIECE”

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